Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's the right time...

to make certain that your loved ones hear from you that you love them. to enjoy the moment. to live life to the fullest. to spend as much time as you can at the feet of Jesus. it's just time.

I found a link to this blog on my friend Megan's blog. This is real life. This is why we all need to remember - it's time.

We just don't know what our future holds. I am positive that while God wasn't caught off-guard in this situation, this family was, but He is still there. Loving and protecting and guiding. His Love will never fail. He is always there - even in the loneliest moments - He is there.

I have been praying for Val. and her sweet babies. and her future. and her destiny. and I pray that even in the midst of this pain she can praise God and thank Him for the life she is living.

and I have to be even more thankful for my beautiful girls, and for my husband, who is a really good man. I almost lost him a couple of years ago - I'll save that story for a future post, but I am so very thankful for the miracle that saved his life. I cannot even imagine what I would have done if we'd lost him.

I am so sad for Val. so very sad. and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that every day I have to be thankful for another day with the ones I love. I don't know Val, but I know the pain of losing a loved one. I am so very sorry for her loss.

love your family, your children, your spouse. be thankful for every day. remember Val in your prayers. remember she is a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, widow.

and, but for the grace of God, it could be any one of us.

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